Beautiful Mess, Claire Christian- Review

Inspired by Gideon’s love of lists in Beautiful Mess by Claire Christian, I decided to get creative with this review and make my own list of things that I loved about the novel.


  1. Characters. I loved both the diversity and the depth of the characters in this novel; each character, from the two main protagonists (Ava & Gideon) to every small supporting character, leaps off the page. My favourite character (I’m allowed to pick favourites, right?) was definitely Gideon; he was awkward, funny and just overall really adorable.
  2. Writing Style. The story switched between Ava & Gideon’s points of view, a style that really helped with the development of the character’s backstories & personalities. Not only this, but letters written between Ava & Gideon were also included 😍.
  3. Setting. I loved how the story was not only set in Australia but how the setting was incorporated so skilfully into the novel. It made the story so much more relatable.
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    Reading the last page. Credit Image

    The Ending. The very end of the novel felt like the perfect end to the story; while certain aspects of novel were considerably sad and just plain messy, the ending felt absolutely perfect- it provided closure, yes, but then it also left enough up to your imagination to keep you wondering about how the story might have continued.

  5. ‘Atmosphere’ of the novel. I’m not going to lie, some of the topics explored in this book are heavy; suicide, self harm, depression, anxiety, bullying and grief are all explored. However, the way that they are written about makes the story far easier to read than it otherwise might have been. I’m not saying that the story is all light and happy, because it’s not, all I’m saying is that it’s not as dark as you might expect.

Overall, Beautiful Mess by Claire Christian was a really great read. 5 stars! Have you read/heard of this book? I would love to hear your comments down below. 🙂

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